How To Prime A Vape Coil
Do I need to prime the vape coil? You don’t have to, but you should. If you don’t prime the vape coil there’s a chance you will burn the wicking material inside the coil. Once it’s gone, it’s gone and you have to replace your coil.
Priming the coil in your vape mod is a good idea for brand new vape mods and each time you swap out the coil. Periodically over a course of weeks or a month the coil that heats up the vape juice will need to be replaced. You’ll slowly notice the flavor is less intent and there’s less vapor.
How To Prime A Vape Coil
It’s easy to prime a coil, but a step a lot of people skip. This can lead to burnt flavor and a less enjoyable vaping experience overall.
Step 1. Swap the old coil out
Unscrew and discard the old coil. Some types of vape mods you’ll pop the coil out while most standard vapes will need the coil unscrewed.
Step 2. Soak the coil wicking material
The wicking medium is similar to old oil lamps. The cotton or other coil material needs to be saturated with your vape juice. You can do this by adding a drop of juice in each of the holes around the exterior of your coil. Also take some time to add some juice directly to the bottom of the coil so it soaks into the vape coil material.
Step 3. Dry hit from your vape
Start by taking 4 hits from your vape without pressing the “fire” button. This helps pull vape juice from the tank and into any areas you may have missed during the last step. If your vape mod allows you to adjust the airflow, you can reduce the flow to force a little more juice into your coil. Do not take too strong a hit or you run the risk of flooding it.
Step 4. Breaking in your coil
To break in a new coil it’s a good idea to break in the wire inside your new coil. This can be done easily by vaping at a lower wattage than you normally do. Gradually increase the wattage and do shorter hits for the first 10 hits or so. Doing this will help ensure that your coil is broken in gently and you have a better flavor and vaping experience.
Benefits of Priming Vape Coils
One of the least pleasant experiences of vaping is bad flavor or harsh hits. They burn your lungs and make you cough. To avoid those experiences it’s best to prime your coils each time you swap them out. There are 3 main benefits that come from priming vaping coils.
Longer Coil Life
Just like a car engine a vape coil includes metal and lasts longer if it’s properly broken in. It only takes a couple minutes to follow the steps listed above. Doing so will make it so not only the metal but the cotton lasts longer.
Better Flavor
If you burn your coil on your first hit after swapping the new coil in, you’re going to have a bad time. That burnt flavor will stick around in that material and taint the flavors you love.
Avoid Burnt Hits
If the material inside your coil isn’t saturated with vape juice when your mod heats it, it will burn. If it burns it will need to be replaced. It’s just a waste of money not to prime your coils as you will want a new one immediately.